Patent protection is a core driver of innovation, allowing companies and entrepreneurs to pursue the often-costly process of developing new goods and technologies secure in the knowledge that the fruits of their labors cannot simply be co-opted for the profit of others. However, in order to ensure that patent protection is effective, patent holders need to be able to prosecute any and all infringements on their rights.
The prosecution of patent infringement lawsuits can be a complicated process, and the steady guiding hand of experience intellectual property attorneys is often key to ensuring that litigation is managed effectively. If you or your company wishes to pursue prosecution for patent infringement, the lawyers from Bayko, Prebeg, Faucett & Abbott PLLC, have extensive technical and legal experience, and we are able to put this background to work in helping clients to preserve their rights under the law.
Our Approach to Patent Infringement Lawsuits
Not all clients will want to pursue the same approach to a lawsuit for patent infringement. At Bayko, Prebeg, Faucett & Abbott PLLC, we take a client-oriented perspective in designing and pursuing a patent infringement lawsuit. Our approach involves:
- Working to understand not only the specific patented technology, but also the business and organizational goals of our clients
- Collaborating with our clients to understand their goals for patent infringement prosecution
- Constructing a unified legal strategy that incorporates all factors into a consistent, compelling theme
- Remaining in constant communication with clients in order to keep them abreast of the case’s development and fine-tune our strategy so that it is in coordination with our client’s larger business goals
We approach every case as unique, and our dedication to creating this type of individualized legal strategy is what allows us to achieve favorable results for our clients.
Talk to a Patent Infringement Attorney
If you or your company wishes to initiate a patent infringement lawsuit, the attorneys at Bayko, Prebeg, Faucett & Abbott PLLC, know what it takes to provide capable, effective legal representation in a wide range of circumstances. Contact us today at (832) 742-9260 to discuss your situation with a member of our dedicated legal team.